I have been out of the loop for the most part of this past week due to a quick trip to Barcelona. I was without a reliable connection to the internet most of the weekend. However, I kept this blog in mind when I came across Desigual's street advertising.
Desigual, in my opinion, is an affordable (but pricey for those who shop rebajas) Spanish alternative-luxury brand. They implement high levels of creativity in thier fashionable clothes appealing to those liberal minded folks with a heavy wallet. Check out thier blog for some really interesting posts and updates from the company.
I wanted to mention Desigual today because I came across a really cool way of increasing brand visibility in the Plaza del Catedral in the heart of Barcelona. Three tricycles with stylish, elongated body painted with desigual's image together in the Plaza del Catedral.
At 5PM in the afternoon, while walking through the ancient downtown streets in Barcelona, you should find the Catedral plaza full of sun and people warming thier faces and listening to the sounds of the street musicians. I found these three tricycles bathing in the sun while preparations for a benefit concert where underway at the far end of the plaza. Sun, music, and activism - the perfect meeting place for liberal minds.
It is proof of desigual's true connection with its customers. Desigual knows where to find its target market. Not on a billboard, not in GQ magazine, but on the street taking a presence in the local benefit concert. A touchdown cheer for desigual's guerrilla marketing!
But what would this blog be, if I didn't make a few comments about my finding?? So, lets take this a little bit further. How can desigual use this type of guerrilla marketing to create loyalty, action, and participation?? Drive customers to the blog!!
Okay, its really cool to have the bikes on the street, the perfect placement too. Really! Yet, desigual needs to get its customers to participate. Instead of putting the brand on the bike, put the brand's blog on the bike (the brand is promoted in the blog URL). This way the company can promote the brand and involve its customers - create relationships!! Not only will this create loyalty and participation in the brand but the marketing manager can track its effectiveness to some effect by keeping an eye on its blog traffic metrics. There could be an increase in unique visits from the day of the benefit concert which could be directly coorelated to the street promo. A good way to track ROI from the street bikes.
The web's ability to track and measure should not be avoided in guerrilla marketing. We must remember that the people participating on the street are likely to be participating on the internet too. Guerrilla marketing is a good way to spark online conversation about products and brands by taking the social forum to them, show them where to talk about thier favorite brand or product. No better place than the internet for more exposure and accessability.
Okay, that's it. I'll have some more stuff sometime later this week. Enjoy and please comment!
Thanks for your post, Trevor, I'll take note of your idea.