Friday, January 30, 2009

A 'City of Business' in Valencia


Business news from the Valencian front! Yesterday, Valencia's "city of business" celebrated its inauguration. This new city of business will consist of (according to "Levante") 7,000 workers and 14 buildings.

Located on the outskirts of the Valencian capital, the press has noted that this new city is the first of its kind in Spain. The idea is the complete integration of work life and family life. In other words, you can go to work in the same building that you live or in the building next to your flat. You could forget about your car and leave it in the garage for months at a time. The Real Estate promoters note that all the services that you might need to live will be within the "city of business". You will be walking distance from the hair salon, grocery store, etc. Why leave the city for the things you need? It will be a life based in profession and work. May seem gloomy to some and a dream to others.

The lofts are very modern and European with whites color tones and large windows. Take a look at the pictures! All the homes are equipped with the latest technology in communication and cooking. The whole city will have its own wi-fi connection. Most of the homes consist of a terrace, sun room, and loft. Very chic!

It cant be a city without some green. Of almost 70,000 square meters, 34,000 will be dedicated to greenery. The project allocated around a quarter of a million euros to gardening and green space.

Hurry up and save your spot in Valencia! Around half of the space will be dedicated to Valencian owned businesses and residents but the other half is open for whoever puts down the dough. Already 42% of the available space has been occupied or bought. The city plans to be up and running within a month and a half.

For those of us professionals living in Valencia, what a great opportunity! Valencia is not necessarily the capital of business here in Spain. Usually, professionals have to look to Madrid or Barcelona to find work. Hopefully, this new "city of business" will offer something more to more professionals who would rather reside in the Valencian capital.

Although I'm not a fan of the conservative political party PP, I surely think that they have some good ideas for Valencia!

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