Sunday, May 3, 2009

Webinar Review: Integrate Email with SEO & Social Media

If there is a company that does great webinars, its ExactTarget!

One of the most recent webinars done by ExactTarget focused on integrating email with social media and SEO. As it was a free webinar, the information remained basic yet informative. ExactTarget quoted research such as...

..."92% of b2b buyers go to the internet first"...
..."the sales process is 22% longer"...
...the loyalty effect: "a 5% decrease in defection can increase profits 20%"...

The first quote on "92% of buyers" has already helped me in my career. The following day, I used that quote in a presentation to help change a corporate webiste. The webinar went on to define several purposes of email integration with SEO and Social media strategy. For example, the speaker from Mighty Interactive laid out its digital capabilities.

Attraction: Search, online ads, offline integration
Conversion: Website, landing pages, capture
Interaction: Social media, blog
Retention: email, customer service

I see these capabilities as keystones of any digital marketing plan. Furthermore, the webinar provided listeners with great suggestions. Listeners were recommended to use rich media for online ad banners, inform social network about email program and provide them with ways to interact through contests or events, and listeners were recommended to keep improving the subscription page.

I especially enjoyed the recommendation and ideas posed for informing social network about an email program. Yet, I think I would have to think of more creative ways to involve my social network than contests or events. I think something more relative to the customer's goals would be more effective.

Finally, I'll leave you with some points for planning success as ExactTarget points out in the webinar.

  • An "editorial" calendar should be set in place to manage online content.
  • Communication should be planned across all channels while maintaining its brand and key messages.
I hope you enjoyed my short review. Sign up for ExactTarget's next free webinar on June 3rd. Leave comments as you please.

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